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WY薄片型自發熱體產品系列——超薄貼、蒸汽眼罩、醫療保健貼系列等; 暖貼產品系列...

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暖友是中國暖貼技術的領先者。 暖友獨有的配方和領先的生產工藝,是國內乃至國際上唯一能夠生產任意性能、規格和發熱溫度的保暖貼企業。 可定制溫度從40℃-80℃任意的發熱溫度,薄片型發熱體產品厚度<1mm,這種片狀自發熱體產品比粉末狀產品更平整、柔和。 暖友自主研發實驗室已成立5年。實驗室為客戶提供專業的新品開發和咨詢服務。通過運用一些高科技研究延伸更多領域產品,以滿足不同行業的需求。實驗室的重點是定制特殊產品以及相關產品的新材料。 暖友擁有“透氣率隨溫度而變化的微透氣膜及其應用”的發明專利,這種微透氣膜是自發熱產品的關鍵材料。除此之外,暖友已獲得國家發明專利3項、結構新型專利5項、包裝專利21項;并有多項專利在申請中。 暖友不僅擁有雄厚的生產能力,還有一支頂尖的行業技術團隊。公司研發顧問包括日本東京工業大學、華東理工大學、清華大學的化學工程、化工熱力學、材料學等方面的專家。 暖友在國內獨有的產品技術:WY薄片型發熱體、蒸汽熱敷靚眼罩、超簿暖貼、彩色暖手包、便攜式激熱保溫器等; 暖友是國內唯一正式擁有國家二類醫療器械生產資質的自發熱保暖產品生產企業。 Warmyou is a leading company for self-warmproduct in China.With the advanced formula and production process,Warmyou is one of a few enterprises in the world which can produce all kind ofself-warm products. The range of temperature can span from 40 degrees to 80degrees. The thickness of product can be less than 1 mm. The heat ingredientcan be formed as a sheet rather than powder, which make product more plat andsofter. An independent research and development lab hasbeen established for five years. Lab provides the product development andconsultation service to our customers and carry out research foradvanced technology preparing for future. The lab focus on the custom madeproducts as well as the new relevant material. Warmyouhas certificated an invention patent for micro-porous breathable film , a key material of self-warm product. Additionally Warmyou has achieved 3 nationalinvention patents, 5 patents of new structure patents and 21 patents in the application. Not only has Warmyou a strong capability in manufactory and R &D, but Warmyou has a great consultingexpert team. The member of team comes from famous international university inthe area of chemical engineering; thermodynamics; materials science. Warmyou has unique production technology. Productincludes Sheet type heater; Steam eye mask, Hand warmer with advertisement, ect. Warmyou isthe only self -warm products enterprises that has a certification for medicalequipment(II) production in China.
公司名稱: 上海暖友實業有限公司 公司類型: 企業單位 (制造商)
所 在 地: 上海 公司規模: 50-99人
注冊資本: 5000萬人民幣 注冊年份: 2009
經營模式: 制造商
經營范圍: WY薄片型自發熱體產品系列——超薄貼、蒸汽眼罩、醫療保健貼系列等; 暖貼產品系列——標準貼,中等貼,迷你貼,大暖包,小暖包,暖足貼,暖宮貼; 暖身保健護理用品系列——護頸,護肩,護腰,護膝,護手; 女士保健系列——蒸汽熱敷靚眼罩,暖宮護墊,超薄暖身貼等; 高溫激熱產品——便攜式工業或個人用加熱器; 夏季產品——進一步發展完善冰涼貼系列產品;
銷售的產品: 蒸汽眼罩,暖貼,熱敷貼,超薄貼,保健貼
采購的產品: 蒸汽眼罩,暖貼,熱敷貼,超薄貼,保健貼
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