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 西安科訊自動化控制系統有限公司Xi 'an Kexun Automation Control System Co., Ltd(簡稱科訊自動化)是專業從事國內外自動化工程設計、軟硬件安裝、工藝調試及售前咨詢售后服務的自動化解決方案提供商。公司擁有經驗豐富的工程師隊伍,熟悉自動化企業的工藝和流程,能夠為客戶提供完整的自動化工程解決方案。





 Xi'an Kexun Automation Control System Co. , Ltd. (Kexun Automation for short) is a professional in domestic and foreign automation design, hardware and software installation, process commissioning and pre-sales Consulting after-sales service automation solutions provider. The company has an experienced team of engineers who are familiar with the processes and procedures of the automation industry and are able to provide customers with complete automation solutions.

Kexun automation is committed to the field of industrial automation control. Specializing in electrical automation, PLC ConTROL SYSTEM, system integration, wireless remote monitoring, integrated design, technical service consulting, to provide customers with industrial automation control system design, system integration, field installation, commissioning and other system services.

Kexun automation has a mission of customizing proprietary automation solutions for its users. Make full efforts to build a user-specific automation application platform. AUTOMATION OFFERS FAST CUSTOMISATION OF PRODUCTS, services and solutions. Currently our automation covers control, drivers, human computer interaction, communications and mechatronics engineering. Signed Cooperation Agreement framework with Siemens, ABB, Rosemount, e + H, Ganges, Emerson, etc. . To provide customers with more perfect, higher-quality automation control system overall solution.

 We provide customers with different levels, different forms of hardware and software integration solutions. To meet the growing diversity of customer demand. Since its inception, has been for coal, metallurgy, petrochemical, thermal power, bio-pharmaceutical, environmental protection, tobacco, water, municipal and other industries to provide quality automation services.


公司名稱: 西安科訊自動化控制系統有限公司 公司類型: 企業單位 (制造商,貿易商)
所 在 地: 陜西/西安市 公司規模: 1-49人
注冊資本: 500萬人民幣 注冊年份: 2021
經營模式: 制造商,貿易商
經營范圍: 從事電氣自動化,PLC控制系統,系統集成,無線遠程監控,集設計、技術服務咨詢,為客戶提供工業自動化控制系統的設計、系統集成、現場安裝、調試等系統服務。
銷售的產品: 科訊自動化致力于工業自動化控制領域。專門從事電氣自動化,PLC控制系統,系統集成,無線遠程監控,集設計、技術服務咨詢,為客戶提供工業自動化控制系統的設計、系統集成、現場安裝、調試等系統服務。
采購的產品: 電子元器件
儀器儀表 / 溫度儀表 儀器儀表 / 壓力儀表 儀器儀表 / 電工儀表
儀器儀表 / 流量儀表 儀器儀表 / 物位儀表 儀器儀表 / 分析儀器
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