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湛江市裕能實業有限公司是佛山市裕福通鋁藝廠的湛江分公司。湛江市裕能實業有限公司是一家專業設計,生產,銷售高檔,豪華陽臺鋁藝欄桿、鋁藝樓梯護欄、鋁藝庭院門、鋁藝圍欄、鋁藝窗花、鋁板雕花護欄等鋁藝花件的的公司。產品選用優質、 環保鋁合金材料,采用精致工藝,整體強度高、鋁花造型豐富、品種齊全。鋁藝花件經多種表面處理, 色彩光亮, 富麗豪華且永不生銹,被廣泛應用于超五星酒店、高端別墅、會所、花園洋房等領域。湛江市裕能實業有限公司奉行創新產品,質量精品的經營理念,不斷學習研究、開拓創新、創造出更多優質產品。公司力求以最好的質量,最新的產品,最優的服務,積極響應市場發展,努力提升產品質量與檔次,樹立名牌產品形象,使公司產品在國內國際市場上具有堅強的競爭力和良好的口碑。我們將不斷求實創新,以客戶為上帝,憑優質的產品及服務與全國經銷商精誠合作, 榮譽與共, 共創輝煌。Zhanjiang Yuneng Industrial Co., Ltd. is the branch of Foshan Yufutong aluminium factory in Zhanjiang. Zhanjiang Yuneng Industrial Co., Ltd. is a professional design, casting, sales of high-grade, luxurious balcony railing aluminium, aluminium, aluminium stair guardrail fence courtyard door, aluminium, aluminium bars and other flower parts of aluminium company. The products are made of high quality aluminum alloy material. The environmental protection, the exquisite technology, high integral strength, aluminum flower modelling is rich, the variety is complete. Aluminium flower pieces by various surface treatment, color bright, luxurious and never rust, is widely used in super five-star hotel, high-end villa, garden villa area and so on.Zhanjiang Yuneng Industrial Co., the company pursues the quality of product innovation, quality management, continuous learning, innovation, to create more quality products. Companies strive to the best quality, the latest products, the best services, and actively respond to market development, and strive to improve product quality and grade, establish a brand image, so that the company's products with strong competitiveness and good reputation in domestic and international market.We will continue to innovation, take the customer as the God, with products and services and national distributor of quality and sincere cooperation, create brilliant honor together.
公司名稱: 湛江裕能實業有限公司 公司類型: 企業單位 (服務商)
所 在 地: 廣東/湛江市 公司規模: 100-499人
注冊資本: 1000萬人民幣 注冊年份: 2013
經營模式: 服務商
經營范圍: 我公司是一家集產品代理制作加工銷售貨物及技術進出口貿易于一身的綜合性實業有限公司,同時也是佛山市泛家居協會理事單位。公司經營方針:永恒的質量、優質的產品、真誠的服務!我們有足夠的信心以優質的產品和合理的價格為客戶帶來更豐厚的利益,選擇我們,就是選擇一個真誠的朋友,就是選擇一位可靠的合作伙伴!我們愿與海內外客商及各界朋友與我公司聯系洽談,共同開拓市場,共創美好未來!
銷售的產品: 欄桿,護手,門窗,圍欄,庭院大門
采購的產品: 欄桿,護手,門窗,圍欄,庭院大門
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